منتديات الحور العين

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أم مُعاذ 04-09-2010 01:42 PM

[LEFT]1. I did this exercise.This is her his my our their your exercise.
2. You have bought a dog.It is her his my our their your dog.
3. She has got into trouble. It is her his my our their your problem.
4. He receives an e-mail. It's her his my our their your e-mail.
5. We are buying a new car, not a second-hand one.It is her his my our their your car.
6. They have got an old house. That is her his my our their your house.
7. Where are my children? Maybe they are in her his my our their your room.
8. Our teacher is with us. He is in her his my our their your classroom.
9. My mother is in the kitchen. She is in her his my our their your kitchen.
10. I live in paradise. This is her his my our their your paradise.


أم مُعاذ 04-09-2010 01:43 PM

[LEFT]1. Tell me. Is this myyourour raincoat?
2. He has forgotten myhisyour book at home.
3. We have lost ouryourtheir way.
4. They remember theirhisour childhood.
5. She does hismyher best to learn French.
6. Do you know Jim? I have bought myhisyour car.
7. John and I ride ourmytheir bikes.
8. Sam and Sarah are watching hishertheir holidays on TV.
9. My mother prepares theirourmy breakfast every morning.
10. I can't remember where yourmyhis bag is. Can you see it?


نسيم الفجر 04-09-2010 10:06 PM

تم التصحيح أعلاه .

لكن باقي الأسئلة لم تضعي لها أجوبة .

أسأل الله لك التوفيق إن شاء الله

أم مُعاذ 04-14-2010 12:20 AM

اين اخيتي تلك الاسئلة بارك الله فيكِ

أم مُعاذ 04-14-2010 12:26 AM

معذرة اخيتي لم التفت الي التصحيح الا الان واستفدت جدا جدا من تصحيحك جزاكِ الله خيرا
هل اقوم بالاعادة ام ماذا؟

نسيم الفجر 04-15-2010 12:28 AM

[CENTER]بارك الله فيك أختاه . لا يلزمك إعادة التمارين . المهم أنك
عرفت الأخطاء . وسنتدرب على ذلك إن شاء الله في المراجعة .
أما بالنسبة لهذه الأسئلة مثلا :[/CENTER]

[CENTER]1. Tell me. Is this myyourour raincoat?
2. He has forgotten myhisyour book at home.
3. We have lost ouryourtheir way.
4. They remember theirhisour childhood.
5. She does hismyher best to learn French.
6. Do you know Jim? I have bought myhisyour car.
7. John and I ride ourmytheir bikes.
8. Sam and Sarah are watching hishertheir holidays on TV.
9. My mother prepares theirourmy breakfast every morning.
10. I can't remember where yourmyhis bag is. Can you see it? [/CENTER]

[CENTER]لم تضعي الأجوبة .
الجملة الأولى مثلا ، أين الجواب الصحيح ؟[/CENTER]

[CENTER]عندنا في الجملة اختيارات يجب أن نأخذ منها المناسب في الجملة .
في هذه الجملة مثلا الكلمة الصحيحة هي التي وضعتها بالأحمر . [/CENTER]

[CENTER]1. Tell me. Is this my/[COLOR=red]your[/COLOR]/our raincoat? [/CENTER]

[CENTER]وهكذا بالنسبة لجميع الجمل ..
أرجو أن أكون قد وضحت لك الأمر .[/CENTER]
وفقك الله أخيتي

[CENTER]وفي انتظار إنجازاتك للدرس السابع بحول الله [/CENTER]

أم مُعاذ 05-02-2010 10:08 PM

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][U][COLOR=#993366]Questions:

[/COLOR][/U][B][B][I][COLOR=blue]John[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> This umbrella is ______________________[COLOR=red]his[/COLOR]_______.[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=blue]Cathy[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> That umbrella is _______[COLOR=red]hers[/COLOR]______________________.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=blue]He[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> ___________[COLOR=red]his[/COLOR]__________________ is light grey.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=blue]She[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> ___________[COLOR=red]hers[/COLOR]__________________ is dark blue.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=green]Jim[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> _______________________[COLOR=red]his[/COLOR]______ house is on Sunset Boulevard.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=green]We[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> ____________[COLOR=red]i donot know the answer_________________[/COLOR] is on Warwick Avenue.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=green]He[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> _________[COLOR=red]his[/COLOR]____________________ house has six rooms.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=green]We[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> _____________________________ has four rooms.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=blue]I[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> This is ______[COLOR=red]my[/COLOR]_______________________ pencil.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=blue]You[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> That one is _________________________[COLOR=red]yours[/COLOR]____.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=blue]I[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> ___________________[COLOR=red]yours[/COLOR]__________ is in[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]_____________________________ pocket.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=blue]You[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> [COLOR=red]____________yours[/COLOR]_________________ is on[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]_____________________________ bed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=green]We[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> _______________[COLOR=red]our[/COLOR]______________ car is a Mercedes.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=green]They[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> ___________[COLOR=red]their[/COLOR]__________________ car is a Porsche.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=green]We[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> _____________________________ gets 17 miles to the gallon.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][COLOR=green]They[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> _____their________________________ gets 30 miles to the gallon.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[B][FONT=Times New Roman]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=blue][B][COLOR=blue][I]Mary[/I][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=#000000] ==> These shoes are ___________________________hers__.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][B][COLOR=blue][I]William[/I][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=#000000] ==>Those are ______________________his_______.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Times New Roman]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][B][I][COLOR=blue]She[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> _______________her______________ are under[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=3]_____________________________ bed.[/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3][B][I][COLOR=blue]He[/COLOR][/I][/B] ==> ______________his_______________ are under[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=3]_____________________________ desk.[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
[/FONT]اخيتي اشعر انني لا استطيع حل هذا التدريب

أم مُعاذ 05-02-2010 10:24 PM

\1. Tell me. Is this myyourour raincoat?

2. He has forgotten myhisyour book at home.
3. We have lost ouryourtheir way.
4. They remember theirhisour childhood.

5. She does hismyher best to learn French.
6. Do you know Jim? I have bought myhisyour car. [COLOR=red]his[/COLOR]
7. John and I ride ourmytheir bikes.
8. Sam and Sarah are watching hishertheir holidays on TV.
9. My mother prepares theirourmy breakfast every morning
10. I can't remember where yourmyhis bag is. Can you see it? [/CENTER]


أم مُعاذ 05-02-2010 10:25 PM

جزاكِ الله خيرا اخيتي ان شاء الله اُكمل باقي التمرينات
متي ستكون الدورة الثانية ان شاء الله وجزاكِ الله خيرا كثيرا

نسيم الفجر 05-03-2010 09:45 PM

أهلا بك حبيبتي في الله

أسال الله لك التوفيق .

بالنسبة للدورة الثانية فكنت قد قلت بأنها ستكون
بعدما ننتهي من المراجعة مع بعض ..هنا :
[URL="http://www.hor3en.com/vb/showthread.php?t=67547"][COLOR=#064d93]تعالوا نتدرب معا .... let's practise[/COLOR][/URL]

وقد وضعت الموضوع منذ مدة ، لكن يبدو أنه لا أحد يريد
أن يراجع ..

فلنترك بعض الوقت ثم نرى ما يكون إن شاء الله .

أختك في الله نسيم

الساعة الآن 08:08 AM.

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