الموضوع: Why not cover your modesty
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 02-01-2011, 08:44 PM
الصورة الرمزية الطامعة في رضا ربها
الطامعة في رضا ربها الطامعة في رضا ربها غير متواجد حالياً
( إِنَّ مَعِيَ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ )

Smile Tenth dubiosity

Tenth dubiosity:

Veil is uncivilized

It is claimed that the outward appearance of the veil is an aspect of a backward society and is uncivilized. For what is the meaning of these moving black tents and these crows? Is it not a reversal to primitive societies?

Misleading nomenclature

This is a fallacious dubiosity in itself. Progress is not measured by outward appearances, such as clothes, buildings, or ornamentation! Anyone who measures progress with these superficial measures is either biased or intentionally unfair.
Civilization is a word describing the total characteristics, behavior, and morals of nation. The superficial appearances are only partial results of any culture and not the reasons which created it.

Practical examples

A visitor to the United States, for example, can clearly see the importance which that society gives to personal freedom. They worship personal freedom to such an extent that they built a statue especially to emphasize the importance they give to freedom. Everyone there respects personal freedom, whether ruler or ruled. Anybody could criticize anybody else regardless of his social status or financial power, without fear or worry.
That was why the U.S. became the leader of the western world; not only due to their degree in technological advancement, but due to the human concepts which are valued by that society, and the governments consider themselves as guardians of these concepts. Governments in the U.S. have risen and fallen in accordance to the degree which they respect and apply these concept.

Another example is any Western European country. When you go to a bus stop in those countries, you find a schedule of arrivals and departures of bused for the whole week, which depicts the exact time of arrivals and departures of each but. “Promptness”, or the respect of the value of time, is an important social value in those societies. If a citizen of those countries arrived at a bus station, and the bus was delayed for few minutes, then complaints of all kind will bombard the responsible person. This person might be fired from his job, and the incident might lead to a public uproar. The respect of the value of time and “Promptness” is a valued concept in that society, and therefore it is a gauge of its culture, and not only the technology which they posses.
In comparison, our societies (in the Muslim”Third World” ) are considered backward societies, not only because we do not posses the technical know how, but because we gave up our principles and values which originate from our great religion. Our societies are considered among the most unjust societies in which basic human rights are missing, chaos is prevalent, other people’s opinions are not respected, dictatorship is the norm, and other cultural values are not respected. Consequently commitment to the true Islamic Shari’ah veil is considered a forward step on the road to build a true culture, since
it is a value emanating from our true religion and holds a real moral value.


رسالتي في الحياة :

سأطوّر نفسي باستمرار
من أجل خدمة الإسلام والمسلمين
وسأسخّر التقنية في مجال دعوة الآخرين

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