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Hor3en For Da`wah In English for those who invite to their Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 11-30-2009, 11:36 PM
نسيم الفجر نسيم الفجر غير متواجد حالياً
قـــلم نــابض

افتراضي Mystification of the trinity


Mystification of the Trinity

(Fuzzy Muzzy )

By: Hazem Helmi

Many are the strange and puzzling things that we may see, read or hear about .philosophies ,creeds ,terms ,names ,etc. Here are a few :Sphinx Kryptonite, and Griffin . Did you ever hear such names? Do you know what these things are?

Sphinx: A fabled winged monster having a woman’s head and a lion’s body and known for killing anyone unable to answer its riddle .
Kryptonite: Rocks from the storybook planet krypton, Superman’s only weakness.
Griffin: A powerful mythological animal of the ancient Babylonians. A combination of lion, eagle and serpent, it was considerably more powerful than the sum of its parts.

Hopefully you believe in the above mentioned terms:; otherwise it may be more difficult to enlighten you on the following point.

Trinity : Trinity it is a concept that means ,three different ,God in or three different Gods are united in one body . According to the Bible:

“For there are three that bear record in Heaven ,the Father, the Word and Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” 1John5: 7 King James version
From a mathematical concept, this means (1+1+1) = 1not 3

Does this seem ambiguous? The following issue will be more confusing: When the Christians pray to the symbol of trinity ,to whom do they really address their prayer? Is it addressed to God Almighty? Or the son? Or the Holy Ghost? Or all of them?

Now we find this issue will lead us to yet another important question: Among these three Gods, who is worthy of Worship? Is it God the Father ,or the Son or the Holy Ghost ? According to the Ten Commandments of Bible, the first commandment was:

“Worship no God but me” Exodus 20:3 Today’s English version

This clearly shows us that none has a right to be worshiped other than God Almighty. What about the other two? Are they Almighty too? Christians say they are worshipping one God, yet this one becomes three and these three are one. What a mystery it is! Actually we have nothing to say about such explanations, except that they are fuzzy muzzy!(which means very mysterious indeed)

The Creator and Sustainer has favored man and blessed him with a mind! By accepting such concepts ,man commits an injustice against God cannot be two gods or three gods, even according to the explanations of Christians. All the signs and proofs totally point to this faith: The one ,true indisputable fact, that in this universe there is no God but the Creator alone

“It is He (Allah ) who is the only Ilah(God to be worshipped)in the heaven and the only llah (God to be worshipped) on the earth. And He is the All-wish, the All-Knower” Qur’an 43:84

And your Ilah (God) is one Ilah(God).La ilaha illa Huwa(there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”Qur’an2:163
For father explanation about the reality of the trinity, let us read the Holy Qur’an, the last and final revelation of God Almighty(Allah),the most authentic book on the earth. Let us read what will clarify for us the clear and bright truth about the unsubstantial concept of the trinity

“ Surely .disbelievers are those who said :”Allah is the third of the three(in a Trinity).”But there is no Ilah (God)but one Ilah (God ,i.e. Allah).And if they cease not from what they say, painful torment will befall on the disbelievers among them. ”Qur’an5:73

If we really do respects our minds, we have to submit them to the will of Whom Alone Created them ,to Whom Alone deserves to be worshipped, to the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth , to Allah the Almighty . Exalted is He above the great falsehood that they say.

ever hear such names? Do you know what these things are?

Sphinx: A fabled winged monster having a woman’s head and a lion’s body and known for killing anyone unable to answer its riddle .
Kryptonite: Rocks from the storybook planet krypton, Superman’s only weakness.
Griffin: A powerful mythological animal of the ancient Babylonians. A combination of lion, eagle and serpent, it was considerably more powerful than the sum of its parts.

Hopefully you believe in the above mentioned terms:; otherwise it may be more difficult to enlighten you on the following point.

Trinity : Trinity it is a concept that means ,three different ,God in or three different Gods are united in one body . According to the Bible:

“For there are three that bear record in Heaven ,the Father, the Word and Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” 1John5: 7 King James version
From a mathematical concept, this means (1+1+1) = 1not 3

Does this seem ambiguous? The following issue will be more confusing: When the Christians pray to the symbol of trinity ,to whom do they really address their prayer? Is it addressed to God Almighty? Or the son? Or the Holy Ghost? Or all of them?

Now we find this issue will lead us to yet another important question: Among these three Gods, who is worthy of Worship? Is it God the Father ,or the Son or the Holy Ghost ? According to the Ten Commandments of Bible, the first commandment was:

“Worship no God but me” Exodus 20:3 Today’s English version

This clearly shows us that none has a right to be worshiped other than God Almighty. What about the other two? Are they Almighty too? Christians say they are worshipping one God, yet this one becomes three and these three are one. What a mystery it is! Actually we have nothing to say about such explanations, except that they are fuzzy muzzy!(which means very mysterious indeed)

The Creator and Sustainer has favored man and blessed him with a mind! By accepting such concepts ,man commits an injustice against God cannot be two gods or three gods, even according to the explanations of Christians. All the signs and proofs totally point to this faith: The one ,true indisputable fact, that in this universe there is no God but the Creator alone

“It is He (Allah ) who is the only Ilah(God to be worshipped)in the heaven and the only llah (God to be worshipped) on the earth. And He is the All-wish, the All-Knower” Qur’an 43:84

And your Ilah (God) is one Ilah(God).La ilaha illa Huwa(there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”Qur’an2:163
For father explanation about the reality of the trinity, let us read the Holy Qur’an, the last and final revelation of God Almighty(Allah),the most authentic book on the earth. Let us read what will clarify for us the clear and bright truth about the unsubstantial concept of the trinity

“ Surely .disbelievers are those who said :”Allah is the third of the three(in a Trinity).”But there is no Ilah (God)but one Ilah (God ,i.e. Allah).And if they cease not from what they say, painful torment will befall on the disbelievers among them. ”Qur’an5:73

If we really do respects our minds, we have to submit them to the will of Whom Alone Created them ,to Whom Alone deserves to be worshipped, to the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth , to Allah the Almighty . Exalted is He above the great falsehood that they say

كروت أمنا هجرة تغمدها الله برحمته

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mystification, of, the, trinity

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