الموضوع: Why not cover your modesty
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-26-2010, 05:15 AM
الصورة الرمزية الطامعة في رضا ربها
الطامعة في رضا ربها الطامعة في رضا ربها غير متواجد حالياً
( إِنَّ مَعِيَ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ )


Second dubiosity:
No conviction
This second dubiosity can be more categorized as following one's own wants and desires. If you ask one of our uncovered sisters about the reason of her non-commitment to covering her modesty she replies: I am not convinced yet with the concept of COVER_ Hijab. Once I am convinced I will cover my modesty, Allah's willing.
Our sister who hides behind such an excuse, should differentiate between two types of commands: a human command, and a divine.
A request, or even a command issued by man does not exceed the limits of human words. About this subject Imam Malik said that humans are liable to the either right or worng. You are free to accept or reject the words of any human except the words of the Prophet (bpuh). So when we talk about a command or words of men, then it is acceptable for any one to claim non-conviction.
However, if the command is divine, ordained by Allah, the All-High and Almighty, either in His Book or through His last Prophet (bpuh), then there is no place for anybody to say," I am not convinced". The "I am not convinced " statement is dangerous because it indicates a doubt in the heart of the person. Whoever makes such a statement with conviction, knowing that is a command from Allah, there is a real danger that this person is unknowingly defecting from Islam.

Instead our sister should have said that she is disobeying Allah, because of her weak will power, irresistible desire, or powerful whims. Such words are definitely more advisable than declaring nonconviction. These words confess weakness, disobedience, and most importantly, our sister doesn't make herself a judge on the commands of Allah, criticizing and correcting them. Allah, the All-High, says:
وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ وَمَن يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَالًا مُّبِينًا ( سورة الأحزاب 36:33
( It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger, to have any option about their decision: If any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong path.)
Quran 33:36

The required stand
When a slave (servant) believes in Allah, in His infinite knowledge, power, strength and wisdom, then he or she should be polite enough with his or her creator and not put human loci above any divine command. In fact when true believers hear a divine command, their immediate reaction is to say:
(... سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا غُفْرَانَكَ رَبَّنَا وَإِلَيْكَ الْمَصِيرُ ) سورة البقرة: 285:2
(… We hear, and we obey:[We seek] The forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys.) Qur'an 2:285

Those believers know for a fact that Allah is omniscient; His knowledge is perfect and encompasses every thing, from the ever beginning to the ever lasting, without limitations! That is why they never place the imperfect, minuscule and limited human reasoning above His knowledge.
When Allah, the All-High and Almighty, commands us, He knows that in His command lies our best interest and happiness. Consequently, when He commands woman to cover up and hide her modesty, He knows that in the command lies her happiness, glory and dignity.

to be continued ensha'Allah

رسالتي في الحياة :

سأطوّر نفسي باستمرار
من أجل خدمة الإسلام والمسلمين
وسأسخّر التقنية في مجال دعوة الآخرين

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