الموضوع: ( Did God Become Man..? )
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 06-08-2009, 03:25 PM
الصورة الرمزية الطامعة في رضا ربها
الطامعة في رضا ربها الطامعة في رضا ربها غير متواجد حالياً
( إِنَّ مَعِيَ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ )

افتراضي Man is God

Man is God

According to Hinduism, the basic concept I that everything is God. There is, fundamentally, no distinction between God and His creation. In Hindu philosophy, every living being has a self or a soul that is called Atman. It I generally believed that the soul is actually God, called Brahman. Consequently, the essence of Hindu belief is the idea that Atman and Brahman are one and the same; in other words, the human soul is divine. Furthermore, human society is divided into castes or classes, where each caste represents human beings who came into existence from different parts of the diving being, Brahman. The upper caste, the Brahmins, came from the head of God; whereas, the lowest caste, the Sudras, came from God's feet. Though there are officially only four main castes is subdivided into thousands of lesser castes. Hindus believe that when a person dies, he or she is reincarnated. The soul, Atman, of the dead person never dies but is continually reborn. If people are good in this life, then they will reborn into a higher level of the caste system in their next life. Conversely, if they are bad in this life, they will be reborn into a lower level, which I one of the main reasons why so many Hindus commit suicide annually. Daily, newspapers regularly record incidents of individuals and families hanging themselves from fans in their homes. In a recent edition of one of the local papers, a Hindu man killed himself when India lost a cricket match to Sri Lanka. When one's belief system espouses reincarnation, suicide becomes an easy route to evade difficulties in this live.

When a person reaches the top caste, the Brahmins, after various re-incarnations, the cycle of rebirth ends, and he reunites with Brahman. This process of reunification is called Moksha, and in Buddhism it is called Nirvana2 . The Atman becomes once again reunited with Brahman. Thus, man becomes God.

This is a Sanskrit term meaning "blown out," referring to the extinction of all worldly desires, or salvation. Though the term originated in Vedantic writings

(Bhagaved- Gita and the Vedas), it is most often associated with Buddhism. In Hinayana Buddhism the term is equated with extinction, while in Mahayana Buddhism it is a state of bliss (Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, p. 393).

رسالتي في الحياة :

سأطوّر نفسي باستمرار
من أجل خدمة الإسلام والمسلمين
وسأسخّر التقنية في مجال دعوة الآخرين

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