انا لله وانا اليه راجعون... نسألكم الدعاء بالرحمة والمغفرة لوالد ووالدة المشرف العام ( أبو سيف ) لوفاتهما رحمهما الله ... نسأل الله تعالى أن يتغمدهما بواسع رحمته . اللهم آمـــين

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 04-15-2009, 03:59 AM
*جويرية* *جويرية* غير متواجد حالياً
مشرفة سابقة-جزاها الله خيرًا .

Icon37 Islam In Brief..1


In the Name of Allah, The Entirely
merciful , The Especially Merciful

The Creator

The name Allah (God) in Islam is the personal name of God. The most concise definition of God in Islam is given in four verses of Surah Al-Ikhlaas in the Holy Qur'an:

1. Say (O Muhammad): "He is Allâh, (the) One.

2. "Allâh-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).

3. "He begetteth not not, nor is He begotten;

4. "And there is none Like unto Him. , Al Ikhlas ( Faith) 112: 1-4

To Muslims, this four-line definition of Almighty God serves as the touchstone of the study of God. Any candidate to divinity must be subjected to this ‘acid test' and since the attributes of The Creator given in this chapter are unique, false gods and pretenders to divinity can be easily dismissed using these verses.
i) The first criterion is «"Say, He is Allah, one and only". »
Can there be more than one god? This verse tells us that The Creator is the only one who has total and absolute power, unique in His names and attributes.
ii) The second criterion is, «'Allah is absolute and eternal’»

The word that is translated as “The Eternal, Absolute” from Arabic is something that can be attributed only to The Creator as all the other existent beings temporal or conditional??. It also means that Allah is not dependant on any person or thing, but all persons and things are dependant on Him.
iii) The third criterion is «‘He begets not, nor is He begotten’».

This means God was not born, nor does He give birth and share his divinity with others. Nor does He have a family or relationship with another being.

(iv) The fourth test, - which is the most stringent - is, «"There is none like unto Him". »
The moment you can imagine or compare ‘God’ to anything, then he (the candidate to divinity) is not God. It is not possible to conjure up a mental picture of the One True God because of the simple fact, as creation, we only know creation.

The Muslims prefer calling the Supreme Creator, 'Allah', instead of the English word ‘God’. The Arabic word, ‘Allah’, is pure and unique, unlike the English word ‘God’, which can be played around with. For example, If you add ‘s’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Gods’, that is the plural of God. Allah is one and singular, there is no plural of Allah. If you add the word ‘father’ to ‘God’ it becomes ‘God-father’. God-father means someone who is a guardian. There is no word like ‘Allah-father’. If you add the word ‘mother’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘God-mother’. There is nothing like ‘Allah-mother’ in Islam. Allah is a unique word, which does not conjure up any mental picture nor can it be played around with. Therefore, the Muslims prefer using the Arabic word ‘Allah’ for the Almighty.

Unity of God

Some people pretend that the existence of more than one God is not illogical. Let us point out to them that if there were more than one God, they would dispute with one another for each god tries to fulfill his will against the will of the other gods. This can be seen in the mythology of the polytheistic and pantheistic religions.

If a ‘God’ is defeated or unable to defeat the others, he is surely not the one true God. It is also popular among polytheistic religions the idea of many Gods for each one is having different responsibilities. Each one would be responsible for a part of man’s existence e.g. a Sun-God, a Rain-God, etc. This indicates that one ‘God’ is incompetent of certain acts, and moreover, he is also ignorant of the other Gods’ powers, duties, functions and responsibilities. It cannot be an ignorant and incapable God. If there were more than one God, it would surely lead to confusion, disorder, chaos and destruction in the universe. But the universe is in complete harmony. The Glorious Qur’an says:

If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been ruin in both! But glory to Allah, The Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him! , Al-Anbiya ( the Prophets) 21: 22

If there were more than one God, they would have taken away what they created. The Holy Qur'an says:

No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him: (if there were many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have lorded it over others! Glory to Allah! (He is free) from the (sort of) things they attribute to Him! , Al Muminun (The Believers) 23:91
Thus the existence of one True, Unique, Supreme, Almighty God, is the only logical concept of God


اللهمَّ اغفر لأبـــي وارحمه
اللهـمَّ وسع عليه قبره
وأدخله في رحمتك .. وأنعم عليه بجنتك

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-15-2009, 04:01 AM
*جويرية* *جويرية* غير متواجد حالياً
مشرفة سابقة-جزاها الله خيرًا .


What are the proofs that betokens Allah Almighty's existence?

Allah, to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty, has made demonstrations in this universe to enunciate His existence and His singleness.
He has made the signs in the universe as his elementary device to let the human being grasp by his/her brain. The reason can perceive the existence of Allah Almighty by the use of the rational evidence which is put in the world by the Creator.

These demonstrations are as follows:

1- The evidence of creation:

It is known that the human being does neither create her/himself nor does she/he the animals, the plants, and the earth she/he lives on.
The Holy Qur'an has stated this fact in the following verse:

Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they have no firm belief. , At Tur ( The Mount) 52: 35-36

2- The evidence of charge:

The vestiges of Allah's attributes and the features of His magnificent creation are existing in every corner of the whole world. Everything is made in the universe is considered as a sign that betokens Allah Almighty Who has created, brought to perfection and excelled in making His creatures.
The unbeliever is the one who finds an elegant dress, and then she/he does not deduce that the existence of this dress gives evidence of the one who has made it. He imputes the existence of the dress to the " coincidence" that has interfered to make the tip of the thread to get by itself into the threading hole of the needle which moves in a counted movements to end up with the dress by all its minute wonderful details.
Is it possible that a rational person thinks that " the chance" or " the coincidence" is able to make a car that is found in front of her/his house?
Would she/he say that a wind has blown to gather the pieces of plastic upon the pieces of iron with a pinch of rubber and fragments of glass to make a car??!! ….Or would she/he wonder who has innovated this car by its capacities and accuracy?
Thus, a rational person would not accept that the universe, including its galaxies, planets, earth, seas, is simply created by an irrational nature which has neither an essence nor an existence.
Would a judicious person thinks that the human body, including its limbs whose structures and duties are accurate, is working as a thorough system depending on the creation of coincidence?

All the data of the modern science highlights of a capable and creative Creator of the world and its containing.

Were they created of nothing, Or were they themselves the creators? (At Tur ( The Mount) 52: 35)


اللهمَّ اغفر لأبـــي وارحمه
اللهـمَّ وسع عليه قبره
وأدخله في رحمتك .. وأنعم عليه بجنتك

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة *جويرية* ; 04-15-2009 الساعة 04:05 AM
رد مع اقتباس
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