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Hor3en For Da`wah In English for those who invite to their Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching

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قديم 02-17-2011, 03:13 PM
أبو عبد الله الأنصاري أبو عبد الله الأنصاري غير متواجد حالياً
قـــلم نــابض

افتراضي Women in Islam


Women in Islam
& Refutation of some Common Misconceptions

Women worldwide demand equal rights. There is not a
system of law that preserves, maintains and protects what are truly women‟s rights, as much as Islamic law does, whether in the past or in modern times. This will be verified and substantiated in the following sections of the book.
Sir Hamilton, the well-known English thinker and philosopher, stated in his book on Islam and Arab Civilization: "The rules, regulations and verdicts concerning women in Islam are clear, frank and open. Islam capitalizes on the complete care that should be given to the protection of a woman against anything that may harm her personally, or cause ill-fame to her reputation or character." Gustave Le Bon, the well-known French thinker stated in his book “The Arab Civilization”: “Islamic virtuous deeds are not limited to honoring and respecting women, but rather, we can add that Islam is the first religion to honor and respect women. We can easily prove this by illustrating that all religions and nations, prior to the advent of Islam, caused much harm and insult to women.” [p.488] He also points out: “Matrimonial rights which have been stated and illustrated in the Glorious Qur'an and by the interpreters of the meanings of the Glorious Qur'an are far better than European matrimonial rights for both husband and wife.” [p.497]
Over fourteen hundred years ago, Islam began to spread to the known world from Makkah, and then Madinah, where the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad bin Abdullah () taught his message. Islam spread its light through the teachings of the revealed scriptures of the Glorious Book of Allah, the Qur'an, 13
and the inspired traditions of the
Sunnah (Way) of Prophet () which are the undisputed basis of the Islamic law. The Islamic teachings and system of law had a profound impact on the lives of the followers of Islam, and consequently, this impact affected the societies in the lands where Muslims traveled and settled. Islam spread very rapidly in an astounding manner in the known world and left a comprehensive system of life that addresses every human need. Islam does not contradict, clash with or reject any of the lawful, sound and meaningful requirements of the human being's existence, which are essential to his continuity in life. In order to understand changes that Islam brought for women, we must examine briefly the status of women prior to the advent of Islam in the Arab society and other civilizations in the world. 14
Status of Women throughout the Ages:
Women in the Pre-Islamic Societies and Civilizations
Women suffered great injustices in the pagan Arab society and were exposed to diverse kinds of humiliation prior to the mission of the Messenger of Allah (). They were treated like material property to be disposed of at the whim of the male guardian. They were not entitled to inherit from their parents or husbands. Arabs believed inheritance should only be granted to those who had martial abilities, like being able to ride a horse, fight, gain war booties and help protect the tribe and clan territory. Since women in the pagan Arab society did not generally have these qualities, they were themselves inherited like any moveable commodity after the death of an indebted husband. If the deceased husband had adult sons from other marriages, the oldest son amongst them had the right to add her to his household, just as a son inherits other chattels of his deceased father. She was unable to leave the house of her stepson unless she paid a ransom. As a general practice, men had the freedom to acquire as many wives as they desired with no set limits. There was no system of law and justice that would forbid a man from committing any injustice towards his wives. Women had no right to choose, or even consent to being chosen as a partner for marriage; they were simply given away. Women were forbidden to remarry if a husband divorced them. In the pre-Islamic era of Arabia, fathers commonly became extremely angry and disgraced with the birth of a female child into their family. Some considered it an evil omen. Allah, the Exalted, describes the father's reception of the news about the birth of a daughter:
When the news of (the birth of) a female is brought to any of them, his face becomes dark, and he is filled with 15 inward grief! He hides himself from the people because of the evil (and shame) of that which he has been informed. Shall he keep her with dishonor, or bury her in the dirt? Certainly, evil is their decision…[16:59] Women were not even able to practice some of the most natural of rights. For instance eating certain types of foods was allowed only for males. Allah, the Exalted, records this in the Glorious Qur'an: And they say: What is in the bellies of such cattle (whether milk or fetus) is for the male alone, and forbidden from our females, however, if it was born dead, then all have shares therein...[6:139] The hatred of female babies prompted Arabs to bury them alive. Allah, the Exalted, states in the Glorious Qur'an with reference to the Day of Requital: And when the female buried alive shall be questioned: for what sin was she killed?[81:8-9] Some fathers used to bury their female children alive if the child was leprous, lame or with birth defect. Allah () states in the Glorious Qur'an: And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin.[17:31] The one honor afforded to women during the pre-Islamic era was the protection of her person, family and tribe, and the revenge against any who humiliated or dishonored her, but even this was more for male pride, dignity and tribal honor than a concern for the female gender. This situation of women in the Arab society led Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph of the Muslims () to say, as reported by Muslim: 16
“By Allah, we didn‟ use to think that women had anything until Allah revealed about them what He revealed in the Qur‟n, and distributed to them what He distributed… [Bukhari #4629 & Muslim #31] Women in Indian Society In Indian society women were treated generally as maids or slaves as if they had no will or desire of their own. They had to follow their husbands in all matters. Women were given as payment for loss to a gambling opponent. To show devotion, they were forced to burn themselves alive by jumping onto the funeral pyre of their husbands after their death. This practice, called “sutti” continued until the end of the 17th century when this custom was outlawed in spite of the dismay it caused the Hindu religious leaders. Although outlawed formally, sutti was widely practiced until the end of 19th century and still continues in some of the remote areas of India. In certain regions of India, women are offered to the priests as concubines, or as prostitutes to be exploited. In others, they were sacrificed to the Hindu gods to please them or seek rain. Some Hindu laws even declare that: “The predestined patience, the blowing wind or tornadoes, death, hellfire, poison, snakes and fire are no less evil than women”. It is also stated in Hindu religious books, that "When Manna [the Hindu god of creation] created women he imposed onto them the love of bed, seats, decoration [make-up], filthy lust (of all types and kinds), anger, rebellion against honor and dignity and evil attitudes, behavior and conduct." In the teachings of Manna Herma Sistra concerning women, one can read: 17
"A woman may live without a choice regardless of whether she is a little girl, a young lady or a mature woman. A young girl is under the command and choice of her father. A married woman is under the command and choice of her husband. A widow is under the command and choice of her male children, and she may never become independent (after the death of her husband). A widow may never remarry after the death of her husband, but rather, she must neglect all that she likes in terms of food, clothes, and makeup until she dies. A woman may not own or possess anything, as whatever she may gain or acquire shall go straight and immediately to the ownership of her husband."
In some rare cases, a woman had several husbands at the same time.1 No doubt this made her as a prostitute in society. Women in Chinese Society Women in Chinese society occupied a low and degraded status. They were customarily assigned the most despised and least important jobs and positions. The male child was looked upon as a "gift" from the gods, and treated accordingly. As for the female child, she had to endure multiple hardships, like the binding of her feet in order to cripple her from running and other customs. A Chinese proverb says: "Listen to your wife, but never believe what she says." The status of women in the Chinese society was not much better than that of the pagan pre-Islamic Arab and the Indian societies.
1Refer to 'Hindu Inter-caste Marriage in India", Chapter 3 [Forms of Marriage] part 2 [Polyandry], by Haripada Chakraborti. 18
Women in Greek Society Among the Greeks, women were degraded to the extent that men claimed that women were nothing but the epitome of evil. There was no system to protect women in that society. They were deprived of the rights to education; bought and sold like any other commodity; deprived of the right of inheritance; and considered as minors with no rights to make any transactions regard to possessions and wealth. Women were subjected to the will of men throughout their lives. Divorce was an absolute right of men. The common situation of women in the society led some Greek thinkers to say: "Woman's name must be locked up in the house, as it is the case with her body." Gustave Le Bon, the French thinker, stated about the status of women in the Greek society in his book "Arab Civilization": "Greeks, in general, considered women to be the lowest creatures of the low. They were useful for nothing other than reproduction and taking care of the household affairs. If a woman gave birth to an 'ugly, retarded or handicapped' child, the man could take the liberty to kill the (unwanted or undesirable) child." Demosthenes, the well-known Greek orator and thinker said: "We Greek men enjoy the company of prostitutes for sexual pleasure; 'girl-friends' and 'sweet-hearts', to care of our daily needs, and we marry to get 'legitimate' children." From this licentious double standard, and depraved morality, we can see what fortune women had in such a society based on the statement issued by one of their top rank, well-known thinkers. 19
Woman in Roman Society A woman in Roman society was also looked upon as an inferior being that could not run her own affairs. All authority was in the hands of men who totally dominated all private and public affairs. Men even had the authority to sentence their wives to death in certain cases when accused of specific crimes. The authority of man over woman in the Roman society included the right to sell her, punish her with tortuous punishments, send her into exile or kill her. The woman in Roman society had to listen to and obey all commands given by the man. And they were deprived of the right of inheritance. Woman in Jewish Society Women in traditional Jewish society were not more fortunate than those previously described. In the Old Testament women were described as follows: "I applied mine heart to know and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness: And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart snares and nets, and her hands as bands… [Ecclesiastes (7:25-26)] In the Septuagint, it says,
“And if a man sells his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do. If she pleases not her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he has dealt deceitfully with her. And if he had betrothed her unto his son, he shall deal with her after the manner of daughters. If he takes him another wife, her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. If he does not do 20 these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money." [Exodus (21:7-11)] Thus, if a Jewish woman got married, her guardianship was transferred from her father to her husband and she became as one of his possessions such as his house, his slave, his maidservant or his money or wealth. Jewish teachings and laws deprived the girl of her father's inheritance if the father had other male children. In the Old Testament, the Septuagint, it says: "And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, 'If a man dies, and has no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughters'." [Numbers (27:8)] Moreover, Jewish men never slept in the same bed with a menstruating woman, or ate with her or drank with her. Jewish men used to isolate themselves fully from a menstruating woman until she was completely free from her menses. Woman in Christian Society Christian priests went to the extreme of considering the woman as the cause of "original sin" and the source of all catastrophes from which the entire world has suffered. For this very reason, the physical relationship between man and woman has traditionally been labeled as "filthy" or "dirty" even if it were officially done and performed within a legitimate marriage contract. Saint Trotolian says: "Woman is the Satan's pathway to a man's heart. Woman pushes man to the "Cursed Tree." Woman violates God's laws and distorts his picture (i.e. man's picture)." Wieth Knudesen, a Danish writer, illustrated the woman's status in the middle ages saying:
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