انا لله وانا اليه راجعون... نسألكم الدعاء بالرحمة والمغفرة لوالد ووالدة المشرف العام ( أبو سيف ) لوفاتهما رحمهما الله ... نسأل الله تعالى أن يتغمدهما بواسع رحمته . اللهم آمـــين

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قديم 02-10-2010, 03:52 AM
هانى حسبو هانى حسبو غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد

Ramadhan05 Important Lessons for the Muslim Ummah )2(


The Fifth Lesson :
The five pillars of Islâm are:
Ash-Shahadataan: bearing witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allâh and that Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, is His Messenger; establishing prayers; paying the alms (Zakaah); fasting the month of Ramadhan; and performing pilgrimage (Hajj) if one can afford it.
The Sixth Lesson:
The nine conditions of prayers are as follows:
Islâm, sanity, maturity, performing the ablution (wudu), cleanliness from impurities (on the body, clothes, and place of prayer) dressing properly, having the intention of prayers, facing the right direction of Qibla (direction of Ka'aba at Makkah), and the praying at the proper time.
The Seventh Lesson:
The fourteen Basic Elements (Arkan) of prayers:
Standing (if one is able); saying "Allâh u Akbar", which means: "Allâh is the Greatest"; reading the opening Surah of the Qur'ân (Al-Fatihah); lowering the head and back down at the right angle (Ruku); resuming the initial standing position; prostrating with the toes of both feet, both knees, both hands and the forehead touching the ground (Sujud); rising in a sitting position; a short rest in a sitting posture between the two prostrations; tranquility in all actions; performing the Basic Elements of prayer in order, the last Tashahud (the second part); sitting for the last Tashahud; exalting the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam; and turning the face to the right side and to the left one saying "Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatu Allâh" ("Peace and Mercy of Allâh be upon you") one time on each side.
(Note: Salaah is invalid if any of the above is missing.)
The Eighth Lesson:
The eight obligatory acts of the prayer are:
All the occasions of saying "Allâh u Akbar" other than Takbeerat Al-Ihram (which is basic); saying "Sami Allâh u liman hamidah" ("Allâh accepts any who are thankful to Him") by the Imâm as well as the one who is praying alone, and saying "Rabbana wa laka Alhamd" ("Our Lord, praise be to You") for both the Imâm and the individual; saying "Subhana Rabbi Al-Atheem" ("Glory to my Lord, the Most Great" ) in Ruku; saying "Subhana Rabbi Ala'la" ("Glory to my Lord, the Most High") in Sujud; saying "Rab Ighfir li" ("Oh my Lord, grant forgiveness to me") between the two prostrations; the first part (At-Tashahud Al-Awwal); and sitting for it.
(Note: if any of the above is missing, the Muslim need to make sujud al sahw).
The Ninth Lesson:
Knowing the contents of At-Tashahud:
First Part: "Attahiyyato li Allâh i wassalawatu wattayyibat. Assalamu alayka ayyuha annabi wa rahmat u Allâh i wa barakatuh, Assalamu alayna wa ala ibadi i Allâh i assalihin, Ashadu an la ilaha illa Allâh, wa ashadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh."
"Greetings, prayers ant the good things of life belong to Allâh . Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and the Mercy of Allâh and His blessings. Peace be upon us all and on the righteous servants of Allâh. I bear witness that there is no true God worthy of worship but Allâh alone, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His true slave and Messenger."
Second Part: "Allâhumma Sallee ala Muhammad wa ala aali Muhammad kama Sallaita ala Ibrahima wa ala aali Ibrahim. Wa barik ala Muhammad wa ala aali Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala aali Ibrahim, Innaka Hamidon Majid."
"Oh Allâh! Exalt Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you did exalt Ibrahim (Abraham ) and the family of Abraham. And bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you did bless Abraham and the people of Abraham, verily You are the Most Praised, The Most Glorious."
Following the reciting of the Tashahud, the slave asks Allâh's protection from the torment of Hell, the torment of the grave, the trials in life-time and after death, and from the impostor Anti-Christ. After that he may supplicate and ask Allâh whatever he wishes, especially the type of invocation said by the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, :
"O Allâh help me to perform remembrance of You and to give all due thanks to You and allow me to worship you in the good way (i.e. as ordained by Allâh and His Messenger). O Allâh I have inflicted a great deal of wrong upon myself and there is none other than You who can offer forgiveness. Grant me forgiveness from You and grant me your Mercy. You are the All-Merciful, The Oft Forgiving. "
The Tenth Lesson:
The Sunnan (supererogatory) acts of the prayer:
  1. <LI class=MsoNormal>The opening call of the prayer. <LI class=MsoNormal>Placing the right hand over the left one with both over the chest while in the standing position. <LI class=MsoNormal>Raising the hands up to the level of the shoulders or near the ears with the fingers being close together (not separated) when saying "Allâh u Akbar" at the beginning of the prayer, when performing the Ruku, when resuming the standing position after Ruku, and when standing to begin the third unit of the prayer. <LI class=MsoNormal>Saying "Subhana Rabbi Al-Adheem" and "Subllana Rabbi Al- A'la" more than once in Ruku and Sujud, respectively. <LI class=MsoNormal>Saying "Rab Ighfer li warhamni wahdini warzuqni wa'afni, wajburni" ("Allâh, my Lord, grant me forgiveness, have mercy on me, guide me, provide me with your blessings and console me") more than once between the two prostrations. <LI class=MsoNormal>Bowing down, making the head and back on one level. This is the position of Ruku. <LI class=MsoNormal>While prostrating, the arms should not be brought close to the sides nor the abdomen to the thighs or the thighs to the legs. <LI class=MsoNormal>Raising the arms in Sujud. <LI class=MsoNormal>Praying for the Prophet and the family of Muhammad, Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim (as in Tashahud). <LI class=MsoNormal>Performing the early morning prayer and the first two units of the sunset and the evening prayer with an audible voice. <LI class=MsoNormal>Sitting between prostrations on the outer side of the left foot (i.e. laying it flat) keeping the right foot erected with the internal parts of the toes touching the ground. The same position is to be taken while sitting in the first part of Tashahud. <LI class=MsoNormal>Taking the position of Tawartruk during the recitation of the full Tashahud: The person sits on his left foot laid down with his right foot erected. <LI class=MsoNormal>Making Du'a (to invoke Allâh) following the recitation of the last Tashahud. <LI class=MsoNormal>Whispering the recitation in the Dhuhr (noon), Asr (late afternoon), the third raka' of Maghrib (sunset) prayer, and the last two raka'at of the Isha' (evening) prayer.
  2. Reciting another passage from the Holy Qur'ân after the opening Surah of Al-Fatiha.
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